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AJ Myers/Heart2Pen

OUR Words matter. Together, we can build bridges of communication through our connections. Please reach out if you want to know learn how you can let your voice be heard!




We serve out of love, grace and forgiveness to build bridges that will help the world heal, claim individual uniqueness to be whole, and increase overflowing abundance while making heart-to-heart connections in a diverse-global culture through genuine communication and the sharing of knowledge and impactful material.

AJ Myers

Site Search Tags: heart2pen,  bridge builder, building connections, communicate, have a voiceshare your words, words of healing, healing, wholeness, healed relationships, created uniquely, created wholeness, wholeness, unique, abundance, overflowing abundance, diversity, diverse, diverse culture, global, a better world, leadership, lead with passion, inspire, inspirational, move forward, empowered, empowerment, kindness, grace, forgiveness, love, loving, lovely, no judgement, compassionate, compassion, friendship, friends, hand in hand, together, better together, life, live, living, live life, live life fully, joy, joyful, joyfully, faith, faithful, faithfully, hope, hopeful, hopefully, patience, goodness, good, beauty, beautiful, youth, youthful, care about our youth, youth matter, legacy, creating legacy, create your legacy, dream, dreams, dream big, never give up   

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Copyright © AJ Myers, partner with WeLink, member of Beautiful Mess – A Women’s Connection Group, Business Lifestyle Pros, and Six Seconds – Emotional Intelligence Network. Author of women’s empowerment articles in Write and Shine, and May Lux, and co-author of A Journey of Riches: Abundant Living and A Journey of Riches: Messages of from the Heart books.